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Holistic Services & Treatments

A range of Holistic Services and Treatments are on offer, all delivered from my dedicated beauty and healing space in Fair Oak, Hampshire.


Services include:


I also offer a range of Beauty Services and Mystic Workshops.  You can see examples of my work in the Gallery​.

Karma Life Beauty and Holistic Services

Gift vouchers available - get in touch. 

Swedish Massage


Swedish massage involves the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body by hand which can help the muscular, vascular & nervous systems of the body.

Massage can be a tremendous benefit in stress relief, in fact it is estimated 80% of all illnesses are caused by psychological stress.  It has a balancing effect by affecting the natural healing mechanisms in the body.


  • Relaxation

  • Ease Muscular Strain   

  • Reduce Stress   

  • Improve Circulation   

  • Aids breakdown and removal of toxins


Aromatherapy Massage


Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment using essential plant oils in association with massage, friction, inhalation, compresses and bathing.  The medicinal properties of scented plants, flowers and woods were known to all the ancient civilisations from Egypt, China, India, Rome, Arabia, Greece and Babylon.  Modern aromatherapy revival came from a French chemist Rene Gattefosse in the 1930’s noting the healing properties of the oils.

It has shown to be effective not only in stress-related conditions but also with muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive systems and skin problems.

Your therapist will discuss your individual requirements in a pre-treatment consultation, then blend oils specific to your needs.  It can be used as a treatment in its own right or combined with other types of massage, reflexology etc.  A course is highly recommended for full benefits.


Hopi Ear Candling


Hopi ear candling or ‘Thermal Auricular Therapy’ as it is technically known can be traced back as far as 2500 BC.  The best known method ‘Hopi ear candling originated from the Hopi Indian tribe and eventually introduced into Europe.

The candle is made from natural linen and beeswax, it is gently placed in the outer ear and lit.  The warmth and the convection created allow the impurities to be drawn to the surface and removed safely.

The treatment is performed with the client laying on their side (other methods can be used in cases of disabilities).  The warmth is calming and relaxing and each ear can take between 10 to 15 mins to complete depending on the client.  Once both ears are completed a gentle face massage is given using light touch and pressure points to encourage blood flow, drainage of sinuses and strengthen and increase the lymph glands.  A course is highly recommended for initial treatment and follow up treatments as and when the client feels the need.


Thai Foot & Leg Therapy


Thai Foot & Leg massage is one of the world’s oldest healing arts originating in India over 2500 years ago and practiced by the Buddhist monks.  It uses the belief that there are ten major energy lines (SEN) running through the whole body ending in the feet, thus these points are manipulated to remove blockages and improve energy flow around the body.

The treatment involves massage, stretching and the use of traditional Thai stick work to apply gentle pressure on reflex points.  It contains elements of Ayuredic (treating mind/body/spirit), Chinese medicine (Reflexology) and Yoga movements.

It is a truly relaxing experience and aids self-healing, circulation, energy levels, insomnia, removal of toxins and thus lymphatic drainage and an overall feeling of general well-being.




Reflexology dates back at least 5000 years when the Chinese practiced a form of pressure therapy similar to acupuncture.  The ancient form has developed into the modern Reflexology by incorporating the established principle that there are energy zones running throughout the body and that there are corresponding reflex areas in the feet that mirror organs, glands and parts of the body.

The technique involves a specialist form of compression massage using thumbs and fingers, allowing areas of imbalances to be detected.  Your therapist will keep a record of findings and discuss, these can also be used for future treatment comparisons.  It can be used as a one off treatment or a course for specific ailments.

Reflexology is a very effective form of therapeutic foot massage and natural healing using the feet to treat the entire body.


  • Reduces stress and promotes relaxation

  • Improves circulation

  • Relieves pain and strengthens immune system

  • Revitalises energy levels

  • Promotes the body’s self-healing


Usui Reiki


Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a system of natural hands-on healing involving the laying on of hands and is thousands of years old.  Usui Reiki is a very simple but powerful healing technique that is easily given by an attuned therapist and received by anyone.

The treatment is given by your therapist placing their hands on various places on your body.  The Reiki healing energy moves through the healer flowing to the area where on the recipient it is most in need.  Thus, every treatment will differ from each session to client to client experience.  The use of crystals to maximise the effect can also be used in line with the Chakras.

The client can experience increased warmth, tingling sensations and should result in a feeling of deep relaxation and restoration to a greater feeling of well-being.  To fully benefit from the Reiki the client need only be open to the idea and willing to receive the energy.


Vibrational Sound Therapy


“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another” -Albert Einstein-

Sound therapy/healing invites you to listen with your whole body, not just your ears.   Its roots can be traced from ancient meditative practice to reduce stress by balancing energy chakras and thus brings harmony to all aspects of your life.  

Most of us will also be aware modern medicine uses ‘ultrasound’, a machine that creates the mechanical sound waves that produce energy, which when they enter the skin cause micro vibrations in the cells improving tissue healing and reducing pain.

The therapy can be performed laid down or sat upright, and a variety of frequencies of sounds will be used, each bringing its own specific healing abilities.  The instruments used will mainly be ‘sound forks’ but singing bowls, gongs, drums and other spiritual percussion instruments may be added to enhance the treatment.

Just close your eyes and relax into a blissful peace entirely focused on you.  


Can be incorporated within other holistic services.


Intuitive Card Readings


The origin of the Tarot can be documented of usage back to the 14C in Europe and has been used as an Oracle in the basic form as we know today from 17C.  The reading of Oracle cards, whether Tarot, Angelic, Animal, Crystal etc is the practice of divining wisdom and guidance.  They are meant to provide insight into the innermost truths of your higher self, in other words an evolved awareness of what you know deep within.

They can help bring clarity to situations, possible solutions and outcomes and are a wonderful tool to assist in this wonderful journey of life.   The cards can be read directly but also they are read intuitively, so come and be amazed at what they can show you.

Please be reminded, all Holistic treatments can have incredible benefits for the client and work alongside your body’s natural healing system but are not to solely replace any medications or medical advice you have been given by your GP or Consultant.  Please contact them directly if you have any concerns and please contact the salon if you require any further information.

Intuitive Card Readings
It is a legal requirement that we include a disclaimer on this site.
In accordance with the law in several countries we must point out that all tarot readings given here are for entertainment purposes only, and no guarantee can be given as to the accuracy of a reading. The user is responsible for his/her own life choices and decisions. We are not qualified to give legal, financial, medical or any other advice, and we do not give advice. If you require advice of any kind you should seek a suitable licensed professional.

Swedish Massage
Aromatherapy Massage
Hopi Ear Candling
Thai Foot & Leg Therapy
Usui Reiki
Vibrational Sound Therapy
Intuitive Card Readings
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